No Socialism

The Face Of Socialism

In February 2021, when Kamala Harris had been vice president a little more than a month, she took part in a virtual celebration of Black History Month. She took the occasion to say this:

“We have always fought for equality. But now we are also talking much more rightly about equity, understanding that we must be clear-eyed about the fact that, yes, we want everyone to get an equal amount — that sounds right — but not everyone starts out from the same place. Some people start out on first base; some people start out on third base. and if the goal is truly about equality, it has to be about a goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place. And since we didn’t start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution.”

Just imagine what will happen if she becomes president. The money that hard-working people have earned will be taken from them and given to all the illegal immigrants that her and Biden have allowed to pour into our country. California is already given these immigrants free health care. The only problem is, is that it’s not free. Someone’s gotta pay for it, and guess who that is…the hard-working Americans like you and me.

What is even more unfair about this situation is that all the lawmakers who make these decisions become exempt from these rules. According to them, someone’s gotta run the country, and they need their money, and your money, and my money.

If you haven’t already, read the book, . As you will read, “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.” This sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of what Harris wants – governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite.Read “1984” by the same author if you haven’t already. If it’s been a long time, read it again and compare it to where we are right now.

If you don’t believe this is already happening, just take a look at California, Harris’ home state during the pandemic. California was the most restrictive state in the U.S. when it came to large gatherings, shelter-in-place orders, and reopening of restaurants and bars. Yet governor Newsome was dining out with lobbyists and Nancy Pelosi was getting her hair done, both without a mask. That’s just one part of socialism…you and I can’t do it, but the elite can do whatever they want.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” This famous line by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher reminds us that while government handouts may sound good, someone still has to foot the bill, and it won’t be the small elite doing it.

Please keep this mind come November 5th…our future is in the voters hands.






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